Pepper Prints Free Minimalist 5-Minute Gratitude Journal

Pepper Prints Free Minimalist 5-Minute Gratitude Journal

How are you doing? How was your year ending? Are you grateful for how this year went? 

In the previous blog, I talked about how I personally love gift-giving on Holidays. It is my simplest way of showing appreciation to my loved ones. Showing them how grateful I am with their presence in my life. 

Growing up, we were taught by our parents on how to be grateful even for the simplest things. 

Being grateful has taught me to recognize the good things in my life and to be thankful for them—it helped me create a positive outlook in life and build meaningful relationships with others, despite the overwhelming challenges. 

I noticed, too, that by regularly expressing gratitude I become more aware of the blessings I received daily which stabilizes my mood for the entire day. 

It is safe to say that through journaling, it helped me manage stress and unforeseen circumstances easily. 

So  aside from gift-giving, my other form of expressing gratitude is through journaling. There are moments in life that you are too grateful you experienced them, you want to immortalize it by writing them down. 

And with that, I thought of sharing with you my favorite gratitude journal—a 5-minute guided journal that I hope you will love.


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