Pepper Prints Printable Minimalist Planner for New Year 2023


Pepper Prints Printable Minimalist Planner for New Year 2023

A few more days before the year ends, I guess it is safe to say: 2022 is out, and 2023 is in! 

This also means that we still have enough time to clean up all the clutter before we begin another year. 

Are you like that, too? Do you get excited prepping for another year?

I know that I have always been like that. I am one of those hustlers out there who loves writing down new resolutions every year and gets distracted easily by new shiny things in the middle of the year. 

Which results in unfinished resolutions. A common scenario, right? 

Apparently, we overhype the phrase “new year, new me” so much that we decide to plan another year based on how we feel during the holidays. 

Well, I hate to break this to you, but that feeling is only temporary. You cannot treat a marathon like a sprint. Because if you keep doing this, you will always go back to the cycle. 

So recently, I have learned that one effective thing of completing your annual resolutions is by chunking them down into smaller goals. 

Write at least four achievable goals this year, chunk them down into smaller action steps you can do to help achieve them, and then track your progress. 

I repeat, track your progress. 

This is the most vital step you need to consistently do because this will give you a feedback loop. The feedback loop is a good source of data wherein you can review your actions in a year. It’ll help you decide next time which actions worked best or not. 

But disclaimer, I am also a beginner when it comes to creating systems to achieve my goals. But, this doesn’t stop me from creating a free template that we can use to make these goals happen. 

If you have been following me since day 1, you know that I am a big fan of anything minimalist. This template is not an exception, because I want a straightforward one.

In the editable template, you can easily write down your big goals, their corresponding action steps, and monthly review. Also, I added an extra page for your annual goal summary.

Simple, easy, and it makes things more doable. 

An important reminder though: Please do not fill out this planner in one sitting. As I mentioned above, chunking them down helps. So, use the rest of your December to sit down, reflect on what happened this year, and then write down your goals for next year. 

Your mindset is very important in making things happen. The holiday merriment may inspire you, but it won’t always be merry for the entire year. Always stick with your systems!

Happy planning, guys! Enjoy the holiday season. 

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DISCLAIMER: All templates are free for personal use unless stated otherwise. Printing and selling of our templates are subject to copyright infringement. 


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